Friday, May 30, 2014

The Bloodtide Brigade: Captain Gorebeard

  Devourer Hero Alt Avatar Captain Gorebeard

Captain Gorebeard is a corpulent, greedy, obnoxious pirate captain with no sense of morality. His gigantic stature and history of murder has allowed him to take command of the Bloodtide Brigade, a team of pirates previously under the command of another captain, by using physical and mental intimidation. He seeks only hedonistic pleasure, gorging on food and surrounding himself in stolen treasure, while his crew maintains his lifestyle in fear of losing their own lives. He would stab a man in the front just as soon as he would stab them in the back.

In Stores 30th May 2014!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Bloodtide Brigade: Parrot Zephyr

Zephyr Alt Avatar: Parrot Zephyr 

A glorified "yes man" to Captain Gorebeard during Baaracko's reign as captain, Cockatoo moved up in rank alongside the rotund usurper. He is the eyes and ears aboard the vessel, telling Gorebeard all the things the deckhands say or do in private.

In Stores 28th May 2014!

The Shroud: Vanish Fayde

Fayde Alt Avatar: Vanish Fayde

 Vanish is the most elusive member of The Shroud. She is a master of shadows, using her target's own shade against them and blending herself completely into darkness to move undetected among the gloom. When-or if-you do see her, it is much too late.

In Stores 28th May 2014!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Shroud: Husher Shadowblade

Shadowblade Alt Avatar: Husher Shadowblade

 Husher is leader of The Shroud and the ultimate assassin, capable of altering his attack style to quickly dispatch any target. Those who prove difficult to kill find their own strengths used against them when Husher harnesses the dark, murderous magic contained within the four ancient blades he carries, each capable of inflicting tremendous harm. When they are combined into the Blade of the Shroud, a weapon controllable by only the most skilled assassin alive, his targets are quickly hushed for good.

In Stores 23rd May 2014!

Garena Carnival 2014

The Garena Carnival is drawing near! Have you gotten your tickets yet?

The Shroud: Syphon Magebane

 Magebane Alt Avatar: Syphon Magebane 

When The Shroud is hired to assassinate a powerful magician, Syphon is the member of the elite killing squad who gets the task. Syphon has no allegiance to a particular god or mystical source-in fact, he considers these to be crutches and weaknesses for those he is sent to kill. Once he drains them of their mana and magical abilities, they are simply defenseless, easy prey, and their incantations and prayers are soon silenced.

In Stores 21st May 2014

The Bloodtide Brigade: Rum Master

Drunken Master Alt Avatar: Rum Master

Another mate on Baaracko's ship, Rum Master's addictive personality gave him little incentive to ever advance beyond swabbing the poop deck, content to bathe in the dark amber ambrosia that kept him in a perpetual stupor. When Captain Gorebeard took over the ship, he was not concerned with the changing tide, if he even knew it took place. As long as he gets to drink, fight, and plunder, nothing seems to matter, and the compass in his pocket points truer than the one for his morals.

In Stores 21st May 2014!

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Bloodtide Brigade: Rhapscallion Rhapsody

Rhapsody Alt Avatar: Rhapscallion Rhapsody

Once a scribe aboard Captain Baaracko's ship, Rhapscallion and her fellow deckhands became governed by fear when the gluttonous Gorebeard rose to the position of de facto leader on the vessel. Acting out and singing loudly as a means to mask her melancholy aboard the newly overtaken ship, she spends less time writing and more time dancing, secretly hoping the big red monster is taken out of commission by an unruly village or a Legion troop.

In Stores 16th May 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Shroud: : Effigy Puppet Master

Puppet Master Alt Avatar: Effigy Puppet Master

Effigy is a master of the darkest magic known to the mystical Shroud assassins. He is called upon when an untraceable kill is required, for his wizardry attacks the very essence of his targets and leaves no mark upon the flesh. Even more insidious is his ability to control members of the target's camp and force comrades to kill each other, leaving not only a larger body count but also inciting chaos and discord.

In Stores 16th May 2014!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Shroud: Veil Circe

 Circe Avatar: Veil Circe

Veil is the first member of the Shroud assassins to lay eyes on the next target. Her ability to change her appearance and expertly mimic any man, beast or daemon allows her to slip deep behind enemy lines and infiltrate even the most heavily defended areas. If she can get a clean kill immediately she will not hesitate. If not, she uses her abilities to help the other members of The Shroud surround the target, each of them closing in, lurking and waiting for the opportunity to strike.

In Stores 14h May 2014!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Partisan Witch Slayer: Strike Without Mercy!

Witch Slayer Avatar: Partisan Witch Slayer

Partisans are fierce resistance fighters struggling against an occupying foreign army, and in the case of Partisan Witch Slayer, that foreign army happens to come from the Scar and consists of daemons, lords of the dead, and testy Archaic Gods. She certainly has her hands full, but she plans on celebrating Russian Victory Day by putting her trusty saperka entrenching tool and sniper rifle to good use.

In Stores 9th May 2014!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Gaia Empath: Spirit of Nature

Empath Ultimate Avatar: Gaia Empath

Gaia is the mother of Newerth; the ethereal, intangible spirit of the world made flesh, and a manifestation of the planet itself. She has seen the history of all people and places; reveled in its victories; and suffered with its strife. She has lived through wars and the initial Fall of Man which brought about the realm of Newerth, regrowing that which was lost to blight and carelessness. With the opening of The Scar releasing an onslaught of demons whose only purpose is to gouge and injure their birthplace, Gaia must emerge to save them from themselves through pitiful destruction.

In Stores 7th May 2014!

Friday, May 2, 2014

2x MM

Get a Double Match Making coins when you log in and play from 3rd-5th May 2014! Don’t miss out this event to stock up your silver coins! Game on!

Acolyte Amun-Ra: All Will End In Fire

Amun-Ra Alt Avatar: Acolyte Amun-Ra

Acolyte was a devoted student of Juna, the Sister of Sol whose brother Jaru betrayed their god and the Legion in return for Hellbourne immortality and power. Acolyte assisted Juna through many sessions in which they prayed for Jaru’s redemption, reaching out to salvage his tainted soul. Jaru knew this, felt it, and with each session he offered Acolyte another glimpse of what she could gain by selling her soul. Soon she was utterly corrupted. She stole many priceless, powerful relics and volumes of magic known only to the Sisters of Sol and carried them to Jaru’s feet, where she has knelt ever since. She is his most devoted disciple, and most deadly. She seeks to raise more evil entities like Amun-Ra, just as the Corrupted Disciples did.

In Stores 2nd May 2014!