Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mistress of Arms (URSA) - Fearless

Master of Arms Alt Avatar: Mistress of Arms (URSA)

Some say fear is a great motivator; Mistress of Arms believes it's a lot more useful when combined with a pair of pulsing plasma rifles. Known colloquially as "The Mistress," the URSA Corps' lady of war doesn't believe in fear, but finds great joy instilling it in others. Armed to the teeth with advanced technology, she knows every tool for every job—and who doesn't belong on her project. Her no-nonsense demeanor is relieving to some and off-putting to others, but she doesn't have any aspirations to be the leader… Unless it comes with a hefty paycheck.

In Stores 27th August 2014!

Taurus: The Stubborn Bull

Magmus Alt Avatar: Taurus

The constellation Taurus has spent eons among the stars, enjoying the peaceful bliss and harmony of the galaxies. But the wars raging on Newerth have disrupted the balance of all things, including the heavens, and the stubborn Taurus will not tolerate such a disturbance. He has taken physical form as a powerful bull and descended to Newerth, where he will end this bothersome struggle between the Legion and Hellbourne, gather what gold he desires, and return to his place among the constellations.

In Stores 27th August 2014!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Wave Queen Hestia: Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy

Gravekeeper Avatar Skin: Wave Queen Hestia

An ally and protector of those under the sea, her followers dropped to insignificant numbers after the coastal regions of Newerth were submerged during a massive tectonic shift and the people who revered her had drowned. All that remains of the gentle goddess are a few broken statues off the western coast and remnants of small idols buried in the sand where past settlements had made their homes. Legends of her generosity still exist among certain elders, who herald her as the spirit of the water, granting fishermen their livelihood and sailors calming seas. 

In Stores 15th August 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tarot: The Ageless Oracle

New Hero: Tarot
For centuries, the Ageless Oracle has been reborn at the peak of conflict to serve as the voice of the gods and share her visions with the mortals, but to never interfere. Reborn after the Beast Bone Years as Tarot, a fortuneteller who travels with her caravan of gypsies through the ravaged Forest of Caldavar, she foresaw the downfall of Maliken Grimm and the opening of The Scar but was powerless to stop it.

In Stores 13th August 2014!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cyber Samurai: The Metal Assassin

Swiftblade Alt Avatar: Cyber Samurai

The Cyber Samurai is a perfectly programmed, armored killing machine. By melding ancient Japanese form with futuristic armor to synthesize a slick, undetectable mercenary, the silent assassin is as tough as he is eloquent, leaving no trace of his presence once he has massacred his targets. Developed alongside Exterminator Nomad as a method of security for restricted areas that were not yet burdened by corrosive gas and extreme weather, the Cyber Samurai was a modern marvel before the Fall of Man, silencing those who sought to silence. Detailed by its engineers with more finesse, and an emphasis on many quick slashes over a few large ones for increased probability of damage, the cauterizing blades would leave less to clean up when the infiltrators were disposed of. The unflinching samurai warrior epitomized the cold-blooded murderer, moving onto his next assignment with no remorse or time for contemplation

In Stores 1st August 2014