Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dewi Sri: Kindness & Love

New Bali New Year Holiday Edition Circe Avatar: Dewi Sri

As the goddess of rice, fertility, harvest, and family prosperity and harmony, Dewi Sri watches over her dominion with kindness and love. In many ancient kingdoms of the Sang-La Mountains, she is considered to be the preeminent goddess and is responsible for all successful harvests. Should anything threaten her peaceful reign, she will strike them down with golden justice.

In Stores 20th March 2015!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Savior Solstice: The Divine Armour

New A.R.M.S. Solstice Avatar: Savior Solstice

Even Solstice, the chosen warrior of the Moon Goddess Lunari, feels trepidation at the rapid evolution of the Hellbourne's weapons and brutality, and as a result she no longer feels completely safe in her true, nighttime form. The Savior suit offers a blessed solution, allowing her the protection of armor regardless of the hour. Her bond has been transferred to the daytime Savior armor, and now she uses the agile Stealth Savior armor for her nocturnal raids.

In Stores 18th March 2015!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Aries: Enthusiastic

Limited Edition Zodiac Pearl Avatar: Aries

Aries is the Zodiac's embodiment of enthusiasm, and in her constant search for new enterprises she has looked upon the endless war of Newerth and discovered a challenge too tempting to pass up: lifting the Legion and carrying them to safety over the cursed Hellbourne. Her eagerness is certainly appreciated, but she may soon find out the daemons will see her as just another sheep to fleece.

In Stores 13th March 2015!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lu Bu: Mightiest Warrior

 Monkey King Alt Avatar: Lu Bu

 Lu Bu descends from the clouds of the Monastery of the Way with the elusive skills of an elite Guardian, yet he is burning to stand before the advancing enemy and send them back to the craters and crypts from which they crawled.

In Stores 4th March 2015!

Invader Kane: To The Front Line!

New A.R.M.S. Kane Avatar: Invader Kane

As soon as Kane heard about the Invader Suits he elbowed his way to the front of the line for the first fittings. Anything that offers more opportunities to close with the enemy and bash him into submission is welcome in Kane's arsenal, though he laments the fact that the helmet messes up his hair and his victims cannot see his smirking face as they die. Their loss.

In Stores 2nd March 2015!