Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sphinx Draconis: Who Deals In Secrets Tells Naught But Lies

Draconis Alt Avatar: Sphinx

Since the beginning of time the World Tree has been protected by many guardians, each called forth by Gaia to combat the prevalent dangers. With the daemons stopping at nothing to destroy the Tree, Gaia is sending all of her forces to the front lines. The Sphinx once prowled with the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a human, but the current Hellbourne threat requires a significant upgrade. The haunches and hide have been reforged as impenetrable obsidian, the wings sheathed with armor, and the face transformed into a fierce creature who incinerates enemies of the World Tree with the energy of creation.

In Stores 19th Feb 2014

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