Sunday, March 30, 2014
GSL 2014: Bonus Gold Promotion
Get up to 70% more Gold Coins when you purchase Gold Coins from 31st March - 8th April. Be sure to pay Merrick a visit and check out this awesome deals before it is too late!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
GSL 2014: Codes Deciphering
While the GSL 2014 matches takes place, a series of masked codes will be posted in our Facebook page
(Garena Heroes of Newerth) . 2 Numbers will be masked and players are required to guess them.
E.g : 1234567XX players are required to guess 'X' and redeem it directly from the website.
Among The Exclusive Avatars to be won:
Alien Andromeda
DJ Rapcity
Deconstructor Tempest
Tommy Two Gun
Cyro Magmus
GSL 2014: Capture The Moment
Be sure to be on the lookout this 28th – 30th March 2014 and screen shot any matches that will are streamed in conjuction of the GSL. Matches will be streamed on and players are required to print screen these moments:
1. Courier Kills
2. Annihilation
3. Immortal
4. Bloodlust
How to participate
1. Like Garena HON's Facebook Page
2. Capturing specific moments during the twitch live stream.
3. Post screenshot and hashtag #GarenaHon and the page @Garena Hon on the viewer's own Facebook timeline
4. A total of 40 Winners (10 per category) will win 100 Gold Coins.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Jester Alt Avatar: Ragnarok Hel Skin
Jester Alt Avatar: Ragnarok Hel Skin
In her brief and brutal time on Newerth, Hel has realized the land of the living is truly on the verge of Ragnarok, the great battle that will result in the death of many powerful gods, including Odin, Thor, Tyr, and Loki. She has adorned herself with the proper attire and weaponry to begin the battle, as well as welcome her new guests to the realm of the dead.
In Stores 26th March!
Legionnaire Alt Avatar: Boudica
Legionnaire Alt Avatar: Boudica
This fierce female warlord of the savage tribes beyond Grimm's Crossing has had enough. The Hellbourne generals have sent wave after wave of daemons to claim her land, slaughter her people, and burn her crops. After years of defending her homeland, Boudica has realized she must take the fight to the enemy. She can be found at the front of any battle, calling the cursed enemy to come and fight her, for she knows that will bring a swifter end to the war.
In Stores 26th March!
Patch 3.3.6 - Ragnarok: The End Of Gods!
There is nothing the gods can do to prevent Ragnarok. Odins only comfort is that, he can predict that Ragnarok, will not be the end of the world.
Baba Yaga
Battle Armour Athena
Boudica Legionnaire
Flint Widowmaker
Ragnarok Hel
Scoutzo The Clown
Na Khom Thai Announcer
Friday, March 21, 2014
22 March 2014 - 29 March 2014
UP TO 1,000,000 Gold Coins to be won! Guess the CHAMPION for GSL 2014 and win GOLD COINS!
Read more:
MM With [GM]s
Be matched up with GMs this 21 - 24 of March between 8.00PM - 10.00 PM to win 100 Silver Coins. Each player that has managed to successfully enter a matchmaking game with the [GM]s will walk away with 100 Silver Coins.
GSL2014: Share & Win Event!
Dear Heroes,
GSL 2014 is just around the corner! As part of GSL Special, Garena Hon is giving away 75 gold coins to each of our 30 winners.
To participate in our share and win contest, just follow these simple steps:
1. Visit Garena Heroes of Newerth Facebook Page
2. Look for Trailer - HoNTour World Finals @GSL 2014
3. Share it with your friends and include your HON Nickname
So what are you waiting for? Start sharing now!
Gunblade Alt Avatar: Tyr
Gunblade Alt Avatar: Tyr
The one-handed Norse god of law and heroic glory has been drawn to Newerth by the belief that the battle between the Legion and Hellbourne is the arrival of Ragnarök, the great battle that will end all things. Týr believes his courage and harsh justice will bring a halt to the inevitable destruction of the world, and he is prepared to kill everyone to make it so.
In Stores 21st March!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
GSL 2014: SPOT & WIN

Get your GSL 2014 symbol and stand a chance to win prizes! From 19th -24th March [GM]s will be sneaking around in matchmaking games! Players who have the GSL symbol equipped and who are lucky enough to get any GM ingame will be rewarded handsomely. Be sure to stay tune for the Global Announcement by the [GM]s to participate! Remember, more Games, more luck!
Read more:
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Corrupted Disciple Alt Avatar: Loki
Corrupted Disciple Alt Avatar: Loki
As punishment for killing the god Baldr, Loki was shackled to a boulder for centuries, where the venom from a serpent dripped onto his face and caused earthquakes as Loki convulsed. The gods imprisoned Loki until Ragnarök, the great battle foretold to result in natural disasters, the flooding of the world, and the death of many ancient gods. The appearance of Loki on the battlefield has many believing the war between the Legion and Hellbourne has brought about the world-killing Ragnarök...and that's just the way Loki likes it.
In Stores 19th March!
Defiler Alt Avatar: Chaos Realm Kali
Defiler Alt Avatar: Chaos Realm Kali
Fighting for the Hellbourne has its perks: free blood, a strong leader, and no need for moral capacity. Chaos Realm Kali is spawned from the chaotic energy that lies deep in the heart of Hell's Keep, untapped by any of the daemons with enough mental stability to have a battle plan, and augmenting the abilities of those who long for nothing but destruction and confusion. Using the goddess of death as a most appropriate host, the spirit of Chaos embodies Kali and uses her power to spread itself over the land, raining blood on the living for no reason other than nobody can stop it.
In Stores 19th March!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Garena HoN Instagram
Garena HoN is now on Instagram! Yes, you heard us right. Not only that, we are organizing a fun and interactive events in conjunction with GSL 2014: HoN Tour World Finals. Don’t forget to follow us and be on the look for the INSTA HoN events happening this 17th March – 1st April and be part of this exciting event!
Nymphora Holiday Avatar: Luckphora
Nymphora Holiday Avatar: Luckphora
Luckphora is rarely seen in Newerth, and when she makes an appearance it always bodes well for her team. She is renowned for spreading good health, good times, and good luck-if you treat her nicely.
In Stores 14th March!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Subdue The [GM]s

Back by popular demand, this super GM event is here for you guys again! If you think you have got what it takes to take down the GMs, be online from the 14 - 17th of March to get this verses going on! The winning team that have managed to defeat the GM or triumph alongside the GM will both be awarded.
Details on event:
Date: 14th – 17th March 2014
Time: 8.00-10.00 pm (GMT+8)
Channel: GMEVENT
Map: Mid Wars
Server: MY/SG
Winning the GMs - 200SC x 5 players
Losing the GMs - 50SC X 5 players
GMEVENT Channels Rules:
- ONLY English Language
- NO Spamming
- NO Colored Texts
- NO Glow Texts
- NO Emotes (/emote)
- NO Racism remarks or discrimination against other players. (Please be civil in the channel at ALL times)
- NO Profanities/Vulgarities (Such as offensive, sexual or racism remarks, be it in English or any other languages)
*If you do not abide to any of the above rules, you will be silenced/kicked or banned from the channel. YOU WILL NOT be able to join GM Events after getting banned. Therefore, please abide to the channel rules at all times
Drunken Master Alt Avatar: Mead Viking Dionysus
Drunken Master Alt Avatar: Mead Viking Dionysus
It is the season for the god Dionysus to be reborn on Newerth, and through the ages he has seen no warriors who revel in the nectar of the gods as much as the Vikings. He descends in his Viking kit with overflowing pots and mugs of mead for friend and foe alike. Viking Dionysus believes if he can get everyone on Newerth to drink his honey wine, the wars will soon end, everyone will rejoice in ecstasy, and the land will be reborn in its natural state of peace. Sounds pretty good, even if it doesn't work.
In Stores 12th March!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Patch 3.3.5 - Loki's Revenge
Loki was not like his brother Thor, He proved to be a mischievous child, and was often also jealous of the affection Odin showed his older brother Thor. Knowing that Thor is aiding the Legion, it is just natural that he sided with the Hellbourne. Equiped with Asgardian magic and science, he will wrecked terror to the Legion's rank and prove once and for all that he is a better GOD than Thor is!
Ellonia Alt Avatar: Cursed Woodpuppet
Hellbringer Alt Avatar: Jade Empress
Corrupted Disciple Alt Avatar: Loki
Nymphora Alt Avatar: Luckphora
Drunken Master Alt Avatar: Mead Viking Dionysus
Gunblade Alt Avatar: Týr
eSports Footlocker Phase 2
eSports Footlocker is a digital chest that can be purchased for 350 gold coins in the HoN store.
Each time a footlocker is purchased, 25% of the revenue generated will go towards the final
HoN Tour Season 2 prize pool!
Each time a footlocker is purchased, 25% of the revenue generated will go towards the final
HoN Tour Season 2 prize pool!
Jade Empress
Wraith Revenant
Mage Empath
Drop Bearzington
Allfather Odin
Robotron Doctor Repulsor
Turkey Zephyr
Reborn Disciple
POG Nighthound
Fungal Bramble
Coral Snake Medusa
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