Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Patch 3.3.5 - Loki's Revenge

Loki was not like his brother Thor, He proved to be a mischievous child, and was often also jealous of the affection Odin showed his older brother Thor. Knowing that Thor is aiding the Legion, it is just natural that he sided with the Hellbourne.  Equiped with Asgardian magic and science, he will wrecked terror to the Legion's rank and prove once and for all that he is a better GOD than Thor is!

Ellonia Alt Avatar: Cursed Woodpuppet
 Hellbringer Alt Avatar: Jade Empress
 Corrupted Disciple Alt Avatar: Loki
Nymphora Alt Avatar: Luckphora
 Drunken Master Alt Avatar: Mead Viking Dionysus
 Gunblade Alt Avatar: Týr
Defiler Avatar: Chaos: Realm Kali
Sir Benzington Hero Alt Avatar : Drop Bearzington

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