Wednesday, September 17, 2014

MSHL Season 2 - MVP Rewards

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MSHL 2014 Season 2
With Season 1 coming to a successful finish and Season 2 getting closer, we have decided to add more features into MSHL. In Season 2, all the statistics of the matches as well as players & team statistics will be tracked and displayed on With this addition comes another new feature to Season 2, the MVP system.

What Is The MVP System?
Simply put, the MVP System will be a way for us to reward players who excel in performance throughout the league. Through this system, we will have several categories where the MVP in each category will receive an exclusive MSHL MVP account icon! In other words, these players will be the only people in the game to have this icon. More details on the categories and the rewards will be announced as we get closer to Season 2.

Season 2 Champion
On top of receiving the cash prize and being proclaimed as the best team in Malaysia & Singapore, the champion of Season 2 will also have their team logo be created as an account icon and credited to them. That's right, why settle for a standard icon when you can flaunt your very OWN team's icon in the game and be the envy of all.

Keep an eye out for more MSHL news to come and be sure to register now to secure your slot
in the Season 2 Qualifiers.

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