As machines become more and more efficient and perfect, so it will become clear that imperfection is the greatness of man. She's all steamed up and ready to go!
Strike down the heathen with great force, so that he may act as a caution to all the wayward nations of men. Those who sow discord are no better than the Great Apostate, the cause of the nation's great fall.

Aluna Alt Avatar: Steampunk Aluna
* When it’s time to put brass to ass, nobody is better suited for the job than Steampunk Aluna. Fitted with coiled stilettos and enough gears to shake a (pneumatic) stick at, this feisty heroine is ready to prove the Hellbourne threat is nothing but hot air. The battle for Newerth just got a little steamier, figuratively and literally.
Going full steam ahead!
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