Friday, October 11, 2013

Recording the Samuel L. Jackson Announcer Pack

Hey everyone, Diva here!

 Working for S2 Games owns for a lot of reasons, but getting to work with Samuel L Jackson to record a HoN Announcer Pack is definitely a recent highlight. I'm not typically one to get awestruck, but it's SAMUEL L JACKSON. He could represent lightsabers, tasty burgers, an eyepatch, or snakes on a vehicle of aerial transport to you, but to me Samuel L Jackson represents something beyond an immensely talented actor who's played some pretty awesome roles. To me, Sam Jackson represents a cool persona of pure bad-assery, a wonderful discordance of rough and smooth. Poetic waxing aside, he was basically next to Kate Upton on my want-to-meet list - albeit for vastly different reasons. Not only did I get to meet Sam, but I got to watch and listen to him record lines that we wrote at S2 Games!

 Stephen Baker (our sound technician) and I arrived early for our recording session because well, Sam Jackson doesn't seem like the kind of guy you want to keep waiting. What's amazing is that even before we saw Sam, we knew that he had arrived from his voice reverberating through the hallway. His is a voice so iconic that I instantly got giddy with anticipation. Then I saw him stroll in, dressed so casually that even I, flip-flop-wearer-until-it- snows, envied his comfort. All I could think was: What. A. Bad. Ass.

 Interacting with Sam was awesome, because he was everything I had hoped he'd be. Bottom line: Samuel L Jackson is what we would call a troll. He totally loves joking around and messing with people, and is really down-to-earth. We shared some laughs over the recent twerking-and-tongue antics of a certain young miss and got down to business. Watching Sam work is eye-opening - you can really easily tell why he is so successful. The way he approached our lines was phenomenal, and he displayed a command of and diversity in his voice that was extremely impressive. For me, meeting and working with Samuel L Jackson was an amazing experience of a lifetime. We hope that the Samuel L Jackson Announcer Pack will translate some of that awesome experience directly to you guys.


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